The pandemic changed the rhythm of almost all activities, but in 2022 we resumed the cruising speed that has brought us to 2025. In these last three years we have grown in research activity, and in the number of people (health professionals and schoolchildren) who have participated in training activities at CREBA (in the image are shown the specific figures), but we still have much more to give!!!…. Stay tuned…...
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We present the activity carried out at CREBA during the year 2023, which is encompassed in the three main lines of work:– Biomedical research: during this year, CREBA has provided comprehensive support (from design advice to analysis of results) to two research projects.– Continuous training of healthcare personnel: 25 specialised and/or continuous healthcare training activities have been carried out. This has brought together a total of 437 attendees from the fields of traumatology, general surgery, urology, endoscopy, radiology, nephrology, endocrinology, gynaecology, vascular surgery and veterinary medicine.– Scientific dissemination: we have organised workshops......
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After months of intense work, CERCAGinys has been created!! This is a platform that brings together the scientific and technical services of the research centres of Catalonia (CERCA). In this way, the resources of these centres – including IRBLleida – are made public in a unified way, making them more accessible to research professionals from all over the world....
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Animal research has been a main tool to achieve great advances in Medicine, unachievable by other ways. Currently, we find a high number of vertebrate animals of different species used for scientific purposes, and among them we find the pig, which is used in the Center for Applied Biomedical Experimental Research (CREBA). The pig has a great physiological and anatomical similarity to the human, and this has many advantages for biomedical research. Rodents are the most used species in this area; However, in some research fields, the information that can be extracted......
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How 2019 was in the CREBA: 24 courses, 427 attendees. Topics: Anesthesia Laparoscopic gastrointestinal surgery: hepato-bilio-pancreatic and abdominal-wall surgery Laparoscopic urological surgery Laparoscopic gynecological surgery Gynecological surgery: perineum Digestive endoscopy and endoscopic ultrasound (EUS) Mediastinoscopy Interventional radiology Orthopedic surgery Laparoscopic and thoracoscopic veterinary surgery Nursing: surgical scrub 5 research projects. Topics: Abdominal-wall surgery Chronic renal disease Lung transplantation EUS in bile ducts Endoscopic submucosa dissection 5 workshops with students from Lleida schools...
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How 2018 was in the CREBA: 33 courses, 355 attendees. Topics: Laparoscopic gastrointestinal surgery: hepato-bilio-pancreatic, esophagogastric, abdominal-wall and bariatric surgery Laparoscopic urological surgery Laparoscopic gynecological surgery Vascular surgery Digestive endoscopy Epiduroscopy with intervention Interventional nephrology Mediastinoscopy Pneumology Laparoscopic veterinary surgery 4 research projects. Topics: Abdominal-wall surgery Chronic renal disease Lung transplantation Peritonitis 4 workshops with students from Lleida schools...
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Con el objetivo de potenciar la interacción con los profesionales veterinarios de nuestra área, el CREBA convoca 4 becas para la realización del curso de “Iniciación a la cirugía laparoscópica para veterinarios” REQUISITOS DE LOS CANDIDATOS – Titulación mínima de Licenciatura o Grado en Veterinaria. – Estar colegiado en el Colegio Oficial de Veterinarios de Lleida: el candidato ha de pertenecer a este colegio tanto en el momento de publicar la presente convocatoria, como durante la realización del curso. – Dado que es un curso de iniciación, no se requiere experiencia quirúrgica previa.......
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The Catalan Society of Digestive Endoscopy (SCEDMQ), pertaining to the Academy of Medical and Health Sciences of Catalonia and of Balearic Islands, is formed by doctors of different specialities related with the digestive device, that have in common his interest for the technical endoscòpiques. Among its formative activities, the SCEDMQ organizes a master accredited by the University of Lleida, the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the Institute INTERACT of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Catalonia and Balearic Islands. The master has a practical module, with activities directed to surgeons and gastroenterologists. Thus, currently, the students of the master are......
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From February to the last week, 16 gastrointestinal specialists have made one-day training session in the CREBA with the Medigus Ultrasonic Surgical Endostapler (MUSE™ system). This is a endoscopic device for transoral fundoplication intended to treat the leading cause gastroesophageal reflux disease. This activity has been promoted by the Spanish company “Izasa Hospital”, and has as well served to gather with prestigious professionals of the gastrointestinal endoscopy....
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Twenty-six students from Bachiller spent a few hours at CREBA on November 30. To dress as a surgeon, to know the place of the anesthetist, to prepare the surgical material, to make knots with suture threads … And to approach-perhaps for the first time-biomedical research. These were the comments of some students at the end of the activity: “An interesting visit to finish deciding your professional future” “It seemed to me a very interesting visit, since the operation of the operating rooms is something a little distant for us. In this way,......
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