For the second year, students of the qualification of technician in assistance in animal husbandry and health at the Vallfogona de Balaguer Agricultural School (Lleida), have done internships at CREBA. Our technical staff has introduced them in some tasks of experimental biomedical research, such as anesthesia, monitoring or preparation of an operating theater. ...
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Today, it has been held a new edition of the “Course on safety closure of the abdominal wall”, promoted by the UAM – Johnson & Johnson Chair, in which the standard of abdominal wall closure has been reviewed, the most relevant complications analyzed, and the key maneuvers performed. Taught by doctors Tihomir Georgiev, Jaime Ruiz and Joaquín Gómez, 23 residents of surgical specialities (general surgery, urology, gynecology) from hospitals in Barcelona and Lleida have attended....
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Next November, the Spanish Society of Bariatric Surgery (SECO) will perform in the CREBA the phase II of its Training Program in Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery. With this comprehensive program, SECO offers surgeons the opportunity to complete a training course in which they acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to work in a bariatric surgery program. It has been structured in 5 phases, in which the student goes from a purely theoretical training to the surgical activity of care. The phase II corresponds to the theoretical and practical training in experimental......
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There are many injuries that can be closed at first intent. For this reason, it is very important the training of nurses and the correct implementation of this surgical procedure to obtain clinical and aesthetic quality results. This week, on 20th and 21th of June, a course on “Principles of surgical suturing for nurses” has been held in CREBA facilities, under the coordination of Dr. Carmen Mias, surgeon of the Arnau de Vilanova University Hospital. Nine nurses have attended to this course, in which they have been able to perfect the technique......
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