Category: Uncategorized

Presentation of the Seventh COSCE Agreement Report

On December 2, members of the COSCE Commission for the Study of the Use of Animals in Scientific Research, presented the conclusions of the seventh report of the COSCE Agreement for Transparency in Animal Research, following the evaluation of the surveys conducted annually by EARA as an independent entity. The data of this report, referring to 2023, show that both the number of institutions adhered to this Agreement, as well as the activity of each of them in the interest of transparency, continues to grow after its 7 years of life. In......

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Thank you, Dr. Olsina

“Thank you, Dr. Olsina” was the title of an article that Dr. Ferràn Barbé published last July 17 in the SEGRE newspaper of Lleida, in which he summarizes in an extraordinary and real way the work of Dr. Jorge Olsina in Lleida. We have copied the title, because “thank you” is also for the CREBA staff the most appropriate word to say goodbye (formally, only formally) to Dr. Jorge Olsina, who promoted the creation of CREBA, and directed it during its first 9 years of activity. A discreet work, without fuss, and......

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“Be Open Animal Research Day”

The European Association for Animal Research (EARA) recently promoted the “Day of transparency in the use of experimental animals”. Under the hashtag #BOARD22, hundreds of posts were published on social networks, and dozens of videos have shown why and what research is done with animals, and what the centres are like on the inside. Here are links to three of these videos, the first of which was made in collaboration with CREBA.

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Activity Report 2021

The characteristics and resources of the CREBA have allowed us to safely recover our activity in 2021 – the second year of the global health crisis. These are the main figures: 26 courses for healthcare professionals (392 attendees). 2 research projects. 14 school activities (299 participants). Workshop for the European Night of Researchers. Support for 25 skills training activities....

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The CREBA, a safe place

The CREBA is in a rural area, specifically in the Comarca of La Noguera, Lleida, Spain. It has an only floor with easy access, fully devoted to the same purposes, and is attended by a group of specialized technical personnel. The Center meets enough isolation, roominess and resources to offer the possibility of carrying out activities with minimized risks of contagion from COVID-19. In addition, the CREBA always holds a single event at a time, without sharing facilities with other users.    ...

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The CREBA and the Veterinary School of Lleida working together

Few days ago, we have performed the first collaborative actions with the Hospital of the Veterinary School of the University of Lleida. The imaging techniques available in that building (especially CT and MRI) are very attractive for researchers who use animal models, and may be complementary to the experimental resources of CREBA for research projects or specialized training activities that require it....

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The CREBA, in the first page of the magazine of the College of Veterinarians of Lleida

The first issue of 2020 of the magazine of the College of Veterinarians of Lleida (COVLL) includes a review of the visit to CREBA by members of this College, on last October 25. It was the second time that CREBA’s veterinarians had the opportunity to show our facilities and activities to their colleagues, and to share with them some of their experiences. The multidisciplinary nature of the CREBA is part of its wealth, and in this gear, veterinarians play an essential role. Thanks to the COVLL for their interest in the CREBA, for......

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Visit of students of Torrelameu Summer School

Las Friday, we had the honor of sharing part of the morning with 7 students from the Summer School of the City of Torrelameu and their instructors. Sara Puy, Alba Boldó and the piglet Gild guided the girls through the facilities, showing them how researchers, teachers and students work, and how we care for our animals. In the operating room, two surgeons from the Arnau de Vilanova University Hospital (Dr. Mias and Dr. Protti) joined them and with them they were able to see and test the equipment, and even with the......

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Talking about the IRBLleida

The IRBLleida – to which the CREBA belongs – is a biomedical research institute, accredited by the Carlos III Health Institute, and has a great scientific activity. However, perhaps because it is located in a small city, it is unknown to many people, even within the field of biomedical sciences. Through this series of videos, our Institution wants to invite everyone to know its facilities and its human talent....

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