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Management of Complications in the Anterior Thoracic and Abdominal Approach of the Spine. In-Vivo Workshop on a Swine Model – 4th ed.
Start from €1700

This course is designed to teach spine surgeons to recognise and manage the different complications that can commonly occur during anterior thoracic and lumbar spine approaches, and which require knowledge related to other surgical specialties...

Workshop on laparoscopic esophagogastric surgery
This Course is FREE

Este taller forma parte de un curso de actualización en endoscopia mèdico-quirúrgica organizado por la Sociedad Catalana de Endoscopia Digestiva Mèdico-Quirúrgica. El curso pretende formar en las técnicas mínimamente invasivas a cirujanos y digestólogos especialistas o en formación....

8016 Viewers
Management of Complications in the Anterior Thoracic and Abdominal Approach of the Spine. In-Vivo Workshop on a Swine Model
Start from €1250

Este curso está, enfocado de forma transversal para que cirujanos de raquis aprendan a reconocer y manejar de las diferentes complicaciones que habitualmente pueden aparecer durante los abordajes anteriores de columna torácica y lumbar, y...

Spinal and joint infiltrations
This Course is FREE

La patología dolorosa de columna es altamente prevelante y tiene un alto impacto socioeconómico en pacientes en edad laboral, Por ello, y de forma multidisciplinar, tanto médicos de familia, como cirujanos ortopédicos, reumatólogos y médicos de...

Spinal and joint infiltrations

This Course is FREE

6078 Viewers
Sealing and hemostatic agents in minimally-invasive thorax surgery. Lobectomy by VATS in the pig
This Course is FREE

Videothoracoscopic lobectomy (VTC) has established itself as the surgical technique of choice for the treatment of lung cancer, pulmonary metastases and benign lung diseases. The efficiency of the endoscopic approach has been collected in several...