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Instrumentation and Approaches for Spine Surgery. V Course on Spine of Lleida and Pyrenees
Start from €1000

La especialidad de cirugía ortopédica y traumatología abarca la enseñanza en patología del raquis; pero, dada la especial complejidad de dicha cirugía se necesita una sub-especialización. En general son necesarios 3 ó 4 años de...

Management of Complications in the Anterior Thoracic and Abdominal Approach of the Spine. In-Vivo Workshop on a Swine Model
Start from €1250

Este curso está, enfocado de forma transversal para que cirujanos de raquis aprendan a reconocer y manejar de las diferentes complicaciones que habitualmente pueden aparecer durante los abordajes anteriores de columna torácica y lumbar, y...

Management of Complications in the Anterior Thoracic and Abdominal Approach of the Spine. In-Vivo Workshop on a Swine Model – 2nd. ed.
Start from €1300

Este curso está, enfocado de forma transversal para que cirujanos de raquis aprendan a reconocer y manejar de las diferentes complicaciones que habitualmente pueden aparecer durante los abordajes anteriores de columna torácica y lumbar, y...

Instrumentation and approaches for spine surgery. VI Course on Spine of Lleida and Pyrenees
Start from €1100

La especialidad de cirugía ortopédica y traumatología abarca la enseñanza en patología del raquis; pero, dada la especial complejidad de dicha cirugía se necesita una sub-especialización. En general son necesarios 3 ó 4 años de...

Management of Complications in the Anterior Thoracic and Abdominal Approach of the Spine. In-Vivo Workshop on a Swine Model – 3rd ed.
Start from €1500

This course is designed to teach spine surgeons to recognise and manage the different complications that can commonly occur during anterior thoracic and lumbar spine approaches, and which require knowledge related to other surgical specialties...

Instrumentation and approaches for spine surgery. VII Course on Spine of Lleida and Pyrenees
Start from €1900

The specialty of orthopedic surgery and traumatology covers the teaching of spinal pathology; but, given the special complexity of such surgery, subspecialization is necessary. In general, 3 or 4 years of training are necessary after...

Management of Complications in the Anterior Thoracic and Abdominal Approach of the Spine. In-Vivo Workshop on a Swine Model – 4th ed.
Start from €1700

This course is designed to teach spine surgeons to recognise and manage the different complications that can commonly occur during anterior thoracic and lumbar spine approaches, and which require knowledge related to other surgical specialties...

3rd Course on spine of Lleida and Pyrenees. Instrumentation and approaches for spine surgery
This Course is FREE

La especialidad de cirugía ortopédica y traumatología abarca la enseñanza en patología del raquis; pero, dada la especial complejidad de dicha cirugía se necesita una subespecialización. En general son necesarios 3 ó 4 años de...

Management of Complications in Anterior Thoracic and Abdominal Spine Approach. In Vivo Workshop – 8th ed.
Start from €1800

This course is transversally focused so that spine surgeons learn to recognize and manage the different complications that can commonly appear during anterior thoracic and lumbar spine approaches, and that require knowledge related to other...