Management of Complications in Anterior Thoracic and Abdominal Spine Approach. In Vivo Workshop – 6th ed.

Course Features
At the end of the course, participants should be able to:
- Understand the benefits and risks inherent to the possible routes of rachis approach: anterior, lateral, posterior oblique, percutaneous, as well as their limitations.
- Know tricks and errors of the anterior thoracic and lumbar spine approaches.
- Perform in live tissue experimental surgery to learn how to:
- Identify structures and strategies to avoid damage to relevant viscera.
- Practical visceral vascular, intestinal, ureteral, pulmonary, diaphragmatic and esophageal management.
- Demonstrate practical competence in the repair of vascular, intestinal, ureteral, pulmonary, diaphragmatic and esophageal injury.
Dr. Pau Solé Florensa. Spine Unit, Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology Service, “Arnau de Vilanova” University Hospital, Lleida
Dr. Ramon Jové Talavera. Spine Unit, Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology Service, “Arnau de Vilanova” University Hospital, Lleida
Dr. Jaume Mas Atance. Spine Unit, Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology Service, “Arnau de Vilanova” University Hospital, Lleida
Dr. Jaume L. Peroy Garcia. Spine Unit, Orthopedic Surgery and Traumatology Service, “Arnau de Vilanova” University Hospital, Lleida
Dr. Javier Giner García. Neurosurgery Service, “La Paz” University Hospital and Clavel Institut, Madrid
Dr. Ángel Lozano González. Neurosurgery Service, Clavel Institut, Madrid
Dr. Mario Sierra Rodríguez. Neurosurgery Service, Clavel Institut, Madrid
Dr. Mario Montesinos. Service of Thoracic Surgery, “Arnau de Vilanova” University Hospital, Lleida
Dra. Núria Torreguitart Mirada. Vascular Surgery Service, “Arnau de Vilanova” University Hospital, Lleida
Dr. Christian Espinal Chirinos.Vascular Surgery Service, “Arnau de Vilanova” University Hospital, Lleida
Dr. David García Belmonte. Mi Nova Aliança, Uroclinic Center, y Clinic Robotics, Lleida
Dr. Jaume Pelegrí Gabarró. Mi Nova Aliança, Uroclinic Center, y Clinic Robotics, Lleida
Dra. Helena Salvador Roses. General Surgery Service, “Arnau de Vilanova” University Hospital, Lleida
Dra. Ester Párraga Ros. Veterinary School, University of Murcia
Spine surgeons; traumatologists and neurosurgeons.
Course details
A theoretical introduction will be followed by a 6-hour session of surgery on live porcine tissue, with a ratio of 2 participants to 1 table instructor, in addition to the assistance of operating room personnel.
Participants will experience the following maneuvers:
- Anterior abdominal approach:
- Arterial and venous injury management and repair.
- Abdominal visceral lesion management and repair
- Management and repair of ureteral injury
- Abdominal wall reconstruction
- Anterior thoracic approach:
- Thoracic-phrenic-laparatomy approach.
- Diaphragmatic, pleural and pulmonary repair and management
- Esophageal management and repair
- Thoracic wall reconstruction and thoracic drainage
Places: 10
Registration fee: 1.750 €
Course ACCREDITED with 2,3 credits by the “Consell Català de Formació Continuada de les Professions Sanitàries”, and by the “Comisión Nacional de Salud” (ref. 09/036779-MD).
Under the auspices of