Surgical exploration of the mediastinum

Course Features
– To know the variety of techniques for mediastinal exploration and the porper indications.
– To improve the knowledge and skills on the new surgical techniques for mediastinal access.
At the end of the course, the student will be able to perform mediastinal exploration through different techniques learned in both theoretical and practical sessions.
Dr. Ramón Rami Porta. Clinical Chief of Thorax Surgery, University Hospital “Mutua de Terrasa”, Barcelona
Dr. José Belda Sanchis. Head of Thorax Surgery, University Hospital “Mutua de Terrasa”, Barcelona
Dr. Sergi Call Caja. Thoracic surgeon, University Hospital “Mutua de Terrasa”, Barcelona
Dr. Lucía Milla Collado. Thoracic surgeon, University Hospital “Arnau de Vilanova”, Lleida
Dr. Amaia Ojanguren Arranz. Clinical Chief of Thorax Surgery, University Hospital “Arnau de Vilanova”, Lleida
Dr. José Luis Recuero Díaz. Thoracic surgeon, University Hospital “Arnau de Vilanova”, Lleida
Thoracic surgeons (minimum number of students: 6, maximum number: 10).
Course details
The learning methodology will be active and eminently practical, focused on the student. A short part of the course will be devoted to theoretical concepts through an update of the main and advanced concepts, and a time specifically intended for discussion among students and teachers. Then, students will practice the main current techniques in an animal model with the continued support of the teachers.
Thus, the teachers will accompany the students throughout all the learning process. The acquisition of specific skills will be monitored and collected in an evaluation check-list. It will be allowed to repeat the maneuvers as many times as required until they be correctly performed by the student.
Registration price: € 1,000
Course in accreditation process by the “Consell Català de Formació Continuada de las Professions Sanitàries” and the Commission for Continuing Education of the National Health System