PigLab Hernia: Lap Wall Diver

Course Features
The general objective is to know the surgical techniques (basic and advanced) for incisional or ventral hernia repair.
The specific objectives are:
– Identify the pathology, classify it and recognise the most appropriate approach.
– To learn open and laparoscopic techniques. Open approach in complex ventral hernia and extraperitoneal laparoscopic approach.
Dr. Rafael Villalobos Mori. Head of the Abdominal Wall Unit, General Surgery Department, University Hospital “Arnau de Vilanova”, Lleida
Dr. Javier Lopez Monclús. Coordinator of the Complex Abdominal Wall Unit, General Surgery Department, University Hospital “Puerta de Hierro”, Majadahonda, Madrid
Dr. Juan Bellido Luque. Surgeon, General Surgery Department, University Hospital “Virgen Macarena”, Sevilla
General surgeons with experience in laparoscopy and interest in abdominal wall surgery.
Course details
Course accredited by the “Consell Català de Formació Continuada de les Professions Sanità ries”, and by the “Comisión Nacional de Salud”.