Tunneled catheter for hemodialysis

Course Features
Students will be trained in the performance of real-time color Doppler ultrasound, the study of large vessels, and the ultrasound-guided insertion (in real time) of tunneled catheters for hemodialysis.
Dra. Maria Luisa Martín. Nephrology Service, “Arnau de Vilanova” University Hospital, Lleida
Dr. Felipe Sarró. Nephrology Service, “Arnau de Vilanova” University Hospital, Lleida
Dra. Sara Bielsa. Nephrology Service, “Arnau de Vilanova” University Hospital, Lleida
Dra. Mónica Milla. Nephrology Service, “Arnau de Vilanova” University Hospital, Lleida
Nephrology Specialists and Resident Interns.
Course details
Places: 12
The number of residents may not exceed 50% of the total number of registered participants. With this premise, the selection will be made on a first-come, first-served basis.
Teaching hours: 7.5 h
Price: 500 €.
Contact: secretaria@creballeida.org
Course ACCREDITED with 1.6 credits by the “Consell Català de Formació Continuada de les Professions Sanitàries”, and the “Comisión Nacional de Sanidad”(ref. no. 09/039417-MD).