Ultrasound-guided percutaneous techniques: PAAF, BAG, drains and venous access

February 28, 2023
Ultrasound-guided percutaneous techniques: PAAF, BAG, drains and venous access

Course Features


The course is based on two main objectives: - Familiarize radiologists with ultrasound-guided interventional procedures, such as FNA, BAG, drains, the Seldinguer technique, and venous access. Making them aware of the indications, benefits and risks of each intervention. - Train participants in carrying out this type of interventional procedures in a porcine animal model, in order to be able to apply them safely in the clinical setting.
This course does not have any sections.


The specific objectives are the following:

  • Update on the correct request for tests, handling and sending of samples to the anatomic pathology service.
  • Increase of the knowledge of the materials available to perform FNA, BAG and how to use them.
  • Practice on a porcine animal model and on biomodels of FNA and BAG techniques and Seldinguer technique for the placement of drainage catheters and venous accesses.
  • Knowledge of the complications and limitations associated with these interventions.


Dra. Lourdes Díaz. Service of Radiology, University Hospital “Arnau de Vilanova”, Lleida

Dr. Alejandro Tomasello. Section of Interventional Neuroradiology, University Hospital Vall d’Hebron, Barcelona

Dr. Ander Zugazaga. Service of Radiology, University Hospital “El Mar”, Barcelona

Dra. Marina Pardina. Service of Radiology, University Hospital “Arnau de Vilanova”, Lleida

Dra. Iolanda Ribes. Service of Radiology, University Hospital “Santa María”, Lleida

Dr. Jordi Villalba. Service of Radiology, University Hospital of “la Santa Creu i Sant Pau”, Barcelona

Dr. Felip Sarró. Service of Nephrology. University Hospital “Arnau de Vilanova”, Lleida

Dr. Felip Vilardell. Service of Pathology. University Hospital “Arnau de Vilanova”, Lleida

Dr. Leandro Fernández. Service of Radiology, University Hospital “Arnau de Vilanova”, Lleida


Radiodiagnostics specialists and residents.

Course details

Places: 24


  • Residents: 100 €
  • Specialists: 200 €

Contact: secretaria@creballeida.org

Course ACCREDITED by the Catalan “Consell de Formació Continuada de les Professions Sanitàries” and the Spanish “Comisión de Formación Continuada del Sistema Nacional de Salud”.


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