Tag: courses

The figures of 2018

How 2018 was in the CREBA: 33 courses, 355 attendees. Topics: Laparoscopic gastrointestinal surgery: hepato-bilio-pancreatic, esophagogastric, abdominal-wall and bariatric surgery Laparoscopic urological surgery Laparoscopic gynecological surgery Vascular surgery Digestive endoscopy Epiduroscopy with intervention Interventional nephrology Mediastinoscopy Pneumology Laparoscopic veterinary surgery 4 research projects. Topics: Abdominal-wall surgery Chronic renal disease Lung transplantation Peritonitis 4 workshops with students from Lleida schools...

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The Spanish Society of Bariatric Surgery is organizing learning activities at the CREBA

Next November, the Spanish Society of Bariatric Surgery (SECO) will perform in the CREBA the phase II of its Training Program in Bariatric and Metabolic Surgery. With this comprehensive program, SECO offers surgeons the opportunity to complete a training course in which they acquire the knowledge, skills and attitudes necessary to work in a bariatric surgery program. It has been structured in 5 phases, in which the student goes from a purely theoretical training to the surgical activity of care. The phase II corresponds to the theoretical and practical training in experimental......

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