After months of intense work, CERCAGinys has been created!! This is a platform that brings together the scientific and technical services of the research centres of Catalonia (CERCA). In this way, the resources of these centres – including IRBLleida – are made public in a unified way, making them more accessible to research professionals from all over the world....
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The biomedic researchers use the porcine model in the experimentation process, due to its physical, physiological and behavioral similarity with the human. However, this model has some disadvantages, such as the size of the animals and the high costs of housing and care. Conventional pigs reach weights of up to 200 kg in adulthood, which is too different from usual human weight, as well as unmanageable for researchers. For this reason, young pigs are frequently used, due to their weights are manageable and similar to humans. However, in many studies such animals......
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Next Thursday, November 8, at 3:00 pm, is the deadline of the first intramural call of the IRBLleida for biomedical translational research projects in porcine models. The goals of this call is, on the one hand, to develop porcine models of human pathologies that, once proven their viability, can be part of the CREBA services catalog and can be offered to internal and external research groups. On the other hand, these aids intend to make easy the access of the IRBLleida groups to such experimental models, so valuable for the advancement of......
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On June 5, it was started the first research project to be developed entirely in this Center, under the direction of Dr. Villalobos Mori – Responsible for the Abdominal Wall Unit and CMA of the University Hospital Arnau de Vilanova- , with the support of Dr. Carme Mias, surgeon at the same hospital. It will be six months of an experimental research project to evaluate a technique of “fixing a mesh with synthetic glue for the repair of incisional hernia by laparoscopic surgery”. ...
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