The Catalan Society of Digestive Endoscopy (SCEDMQ), pertaining to the Academy of Medical and Health Sciences of Catalonia and of Balearic Islands, is formed by doctors of different specialities related with the digestive device, that have in common his interest for the technical endoscòpiques. Among its formative activities, the SCEDMQ organizes a master accredited by the University of Lleida, the Autonomous University of Barcelona and the Institute INTERACT of the Academy of Medical Sciences of Catalonia and Balearic Islands. The master has a practical module, with activities directed to surgeons and gastroenterologists. Thus, currently, the students of the master are......
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Today, it has been held a new edition of the “Course on safety closure of the abdominal wall”, promoted by the UAM – Johnson & Johnson Chair, in which the standard of abdominal wall closure has been reviewed, the most relevant complications analyzed, and the key maneuvers performed. Taught by doctors Tihomir Georgiev, Jaime Ruiz and Joaquín Gómez, 23 residents of surgical specialities (general surgery, urology, gynecology) from hospitals in Barcelona and Lleida have attended....
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There are many injuries that can be closed at first intent. For this reason, it is very important the training of nurses and the correct implementation of this surgical procedure to obtain clinical and aesthetic quality results. This week, on 20th and 21th of June, a course on “Principles of surgical suturing for nurses” has been held in CREBA facilities, under the coordination of Dr. Carmen Mias, surgeon of the Arnau de Vilanova University Hospital. Nine nurses have attended to this course, in which they have been able to perfect the technique......
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On June 5, it was started the first research project to be developed entirely in this Center, under the direction of Dr. Villalobos Mori – Responsible for the Abdominal Wall Unit and CMA of the University Hospital Arnau de Vilanova- , with the support of Dr. Carme Mias, surgeon at the same hospital. It will be six months of an experimental research project to evaluate a technique of “fixing a mesh with synthetic glue for the repair of incisional hernia by laparoscopic surgery”. ...
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